Are You Ready for 2010?

You can feel the optimism in the air can't you? Everyone from Bay Street bankers to the Tim Horton's servers seem to feel that 2010 holds a promise for better times. Reading all the predictions for the coming year would be a full time occupation right now. And if you did take the time to listen to the Psychics and pundits, it's a sure bet that some of their ideas will be dead on and some will prove to be wild guesses at best.

One thing is for sure - radical change is in the air. Whole companies, and some industries have all but disappeared from the landscape. Those of us who are still standing are looking hard at doing business in fresh and innovative new ways.

As things get better, we will all need to be different to really capitalize on the momentum a rebounding economy generates. Doing business in a different way requires a fresh look at what your leadership is about and how you exert your influence.

One of my goals for 2010 is to be a richer source of support and information to my clients. Senior leaders tell me that they would love to read more, but aren't sure which books are worth their precious time. If that's how you feel, I've got good news for you!

I love to read and usually have a couple of books on the go all the time. So, I'm going to do the legwork for you (or is it eye work, or maybe brain work...whatever). Each month you will find a new link to my YouTube Channel - Book Bytes where you can view a brief (under two minutes) video of me, sharing with you, one or two key messages from a popular business book. I'll be highlighting the 'change' relevant information in each book so you can learn new ideas without the hassle of reading the whole book yourself. Just to clarify, I don't get any kickbacks from authors for's simply my way of offering more value to you.

So, look to your right - see the button? Now click on it and take a look. Let me know what you think. And if you have suggestions for books that I should read (for you) just send your ideas to me at

The world of research and books is fascinating and, along with you, I look forward to discovering new ways of leading change this year.