Paris Hilton is a changed woman….well, maybe not. Hollywood and CNN are fond of sensational stories and the idea that Paris – or anyone – goes from being self-centered, attention seeking and addicted to a role model for young girls in a matter of days, is the stuff fantasies are made of.
Don’t get me wrong, people change – and sometimes in dramatic, life altering ways. And there’s nothing like a stay at the county’s finest to motivate a person to begin the change process. Significant change often begins with an ‘ah-ha’ moment; a point in time where our behaviour collides with our world and we ‘see’ what we had been ignoring. But rarely is a dramatic event enough to ensure lasting change.
So, what does Paris (or anyone) who wants to make good on their promise to change their ways do after the shock of the ‘initial sensitizing event’ has faded? Hard work. Lots of hard personal work. There are specific steps to making significant personal change. She can use her jail stay to remind her of the pain of going back to her old ways….but it will take more than that to keep her on the path to a sober, more balanced life.
Transition Poker - Where Change Theory Meets Real Play

Well, there's a new game in town! It's called, Transition Poker™ - and I created it! After spending several years with hundreds of business folks tasked with leading significant change in their organizations, I decided it was time for some fun! Transition Poker™ is a change leadership training games based on solid change theory coupled with the fast-pace, high-stakes atmosphere of a friendly game of poker. Players are forced to grapple with their choices and strategies for leading change, bet on their hunches and deal with hostile cards.
Transition Poker™ is part of my Leader's Summit program, a comprehensive learning opportunity for those individuals and teams facing organizational change.
The Transition Poker™ Workshop is exciting and interactive and teaches foundational concepts and provides tools for any group to master the power of the 6 Success Factors for leading successful organizational change.
The Transition Poker™ Workshop is composed of:
- JCI People Change Process – a solid foundation as to how people move through change and how leaders can motivate, model and monitor change success
- The 6 Success Factors for making significant change – an understanding of the importance of each factor and how to compensate for missing elements
- The experiential, real-play of the Transition Poker™ game engages players to create the best options, bet on their success and defend their choices to colleagues
- The Change Style Index - understanding your Personal Change Style can help you decide what you need to be successful during a time of transition.
- A Change Map – creating the action steps necessary for a group to bring change success into their organization.
For more information on Transition Poker or Peggy's other Change Leadership workshops pelase visit
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